In this inaugural blog post, I would just like to introduce myself. I am the Schoolmarm.
It’s not important that you know my personal history. What is more important is that you know some perspectives I have.
You will not often detect it, but I am deeply compassionate. Towards everyone. Life is very hard, and people need self-esteem and meaning and security, and no one gets enough of them.
But God has given us but one planet, with one humanity. The United States is in the strongest position to protect it, but has not been up to the task. Our democracy is broken, technology envelops us like a storm surge, and no one likes the system we have.
And it will only get worse unless we get control of the mediasphere. Which can’t happen until the temperature of public discourse is lowered. Which hasn’t begun yet because we are all disoriented by this new social internet existence.
That is where I can help, and do help.
Admittedly, it is not an easy task. Our country’s prosperity has made us narcissistic, and the media has learned that it can exploit that by telling each of us how right we are. That is one of the things that constructive criticism pushes back upon, even if people resist it.
That is enough for now. I will be writing more blog posts in the future, I hope I will see you again.