Mistake Type:
Faulty Analogy
Comparing two things that are similar in one respect but otherwise different, leading to a misleading or inaccurate conclusion.

“Balancing the federal budget is the same thing as financial management of a household. Eventually you’ve got to pay down your debt.”
“If we can put a man on the moon, we can solve poverty.”
“Woke high-schoolers are a modern version of the Hitler Youth.”
About Faulty Analogy:
In a Faulty Analogy, likeness in one area is wrongly assumed to indicate likeness in other areas, thereby leading to imprecise or erroneous conclusions. While analogies can be a powerful tool for explanation or argumentation, they become problematic when they are stretched too far or when critical differences between the compared items are ignored.
This rhetorical issue is frequently encountered in both political and social discourse because analogies can be persuasive and easily understood. However, Faulty Analogies oversimplify complex issues, potentially leading the discussion astray.
For example, balancing a household budget and balancing a government’s budget both necessitate detailed accounting of income and expenditures, and sometimes difficult decisions about what to pay for and what to skip. However, there are also big differences. Government budgeting decisions require negotiation and compromise between many individuals, groups, and constituencies. Unlike a single household, national economies expand and grow indefinitely. Government has the legal authority to raise taxes whenever needed. And government debts are in the county’s “fiat currency,” which means the government can (within limits) print more money when needed.
The issue with Faulty Analogies often lies in the details that the analogy glosses over. These overlooked details are typically where the analogy breaks down, and thus, they are essential for anyone interested in a more nuanced understanding of the topic at hand. Explicitly laying out how problems are alike and different, then asking for clarification on how the analogy accounts for these differences, can bring back some of the nuance necessary for constructive discussion.