Mistake Type:
Demeaning someone’s character, intelligence or qualifications, often to dismiss their viewpoints or concerns without engaging in substantive discussion.

“You support gun control? Must be nice living in a fantasy world.”
“You’re anti-abortion? Of course you are, religious people can’t read the science.”
About Belittling:
Belittling undercuts the credibility, intelligence, or worth of an individual, usually to dismiss their claims without making a substantial counter-argument. It’s related to Mocking and often uses sarcasm or condescension, aiming to reduce the person’s status in the eyes of the audience or even to the individual themselves.
Belittling serves multiple purposes. Largely, it’s to score a point or “dunk on” the opponent, earning credibility among people who agree with the person making the belittling comment. It boosts the issuer’s ego, allowing them to feel intellectually or morally superior, and makes them look better to others who agree with them. It can discourage the person being belittled, making them less likely to continue in the discourse and effectively silencing them.
The belittling comment may sometimes contain an element of truth, making it challenging for the target to rebut without appearing defensive. For example, calling someone naive for believing in climate change may compel the person to prove their understanding of the science, which could be a complex and lengthy endeavor.
This tactic is prevalent across various topics but is particularly common in polarized discussions such as politics, religion or social issues. It doesn’t seek to elicit a meaningful response, it aims to impress others in the same group as the issuer of the comment.